It's the biggest news of the year, "scientist creates artificial life". This development is very interesting. I have read a few comments around it and on one hand you have jubilant atheists, humanists, secularists and generally God and or Church haters. Why, their moment has come and it is EUREKA! "There is no God" giving credence to Invictus: I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.  On the other hand you have Christian apologists who are trying to make meaning of this all and frankly Bible believing Christians who are simply confused.

This is what Dr Venter said in an interview as posted on the BBC website;
We've now been able to take our synthetic chromosome and transplant it into a recipient cell - a different organism. As soon as this new software goes into the cell, the cell reads [it] and converts into the species specified in that genetic code.

It is like creating a software e.g. Windows XP to run a Computer and then claim you've made a Computer.
Or for example, a curious person anywhere in the world who successfully copies Microsoft Bill Gates' (BG)Windows XP is not in the position to say that he is BG or MS for that matter. In fact he would shudder at the thought of being the highlight as he is aware of the implications of copyright infringement.

On the other hand, if any one bought the copied version of our curious friend, it would be good as long as they didn't attempt to update it. In the event of an attempted update MS would immediately recognize it as a fake and prevent it from functioning. Already, scientists are raising the ethical question, 'where would this lead to?' and the answer frankly is nobody knows.

That we are even at the juncture where we're contemplating what these experiements could lead to is in itself a scandal of gigantic proportions and a crime against humanity. In almost every facet of life, there are laws to protect creativity and to reward and recognize originality. That's the whole point of intellectual property.

In the name of scientific research, modern man has conspired and executed the most horrendous and naked rape of the universe albeit with one agenda, profit. Our sense of greed has enabled us to constantly and aggressively blur the lines between sacred and secular and now we are on the brink of a total moral break down where Machiavellism reigns supreme.

Another reason for this destructive development is the inherent rebellious attitude of modern man towards God and his hatred for a Creator. In pursuance of his misguided quest to disprove the existence of God or to prove God's non existence, modern man has charted a path that only leads to destruction.

No moral codes are thought necessary anymore with regards to life (human). Ironically, however,  man is rather obssessed with halting the destruction of the world's natural resources and environment.

In another interview Venter commented, This is an important step, we think, both scientifically and philosophically. It’s certainly changed my views of definitions of life. It’s pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA software in the cell, and the cell instantly starts reading that new software, starts making a whole new set of proteins, and within a short while all the characteristics
of the first species disappear, and a new species emerges from this software that controls that cell growing forward.

What Venter has found is simply this; the potency and versatility of God's creation. Venter in this interview admits he was stunned by the outcome. All he did was replace the DNA software in the cell and watched the cell do it's own thing. Venter can not claim original creation and indeed does not but misreporting by the press and the hunger of God haters to prove a point against the Church have projected the false impression that Venter has created life artificially.

Terence Keaney a clinical biochemist makes the following observation; It is inevitable, that within our children's lifetimes, molecular biologists will tweak the human genome. If we can re-create existing bacterial genomes, we will be able to create new improved human ones.

Sir Francis Bacon, the Father of the Scientific Method, wrote in 1603 that the purpose of science was the “discovery of all operations and possibilities of operations from immortality (if it were possible) to the meanest mechanical practice”.

According to some scientists, immortality is possible as it is believed that hydra and sea anemone have the potential to be immortal. So one day a successor of Dr Venter will discover how to render all our cells as immortal as the hydra's or the sea anemone's? Probably.

Dr Venter would show himmself honourable if he admits that this is NOT the artificial creation of life.
Using an existing cell as the vehicle for a new genome and synthesising the product in medium of live yeast cells is impressive to say the least but it is NOT creation.

We could  argue the technicalities all we want but the fact is that the world system is not ready for the truth and would continue to project this as artificial life creation. There are already suggestions for Dr Venter to be worhipped as 'god'.

I have news which isn't exactly good news and that is the Church should prepare for more of the same;  a show down with atheists, secularists, humanists and God haters. In these end-times, there is going to be a vicious and sustained assault on faith and most of it would attempt to highlight the Devil's abilities.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Rev 13:15

Until Dr Venter's latest feat it didn't seem quite likely that people would openly consider worshipping a man unless they belonged to a queer occultic or religious persuasion. Now in the case of Dr Venter, it seems the natural and coolest thing to do even though he has not projected himself thus. However, he has also not denounced the misguided equation of his success with God.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thess. 2:4

The above prophetic scripture refers to the coming Anti-Christ and the fact that he would ultimately exalt himself as God.

We are gradually inching closer to the point where the public verdict would be there is no God (Divine Ruler) of the universe. Humanism would triumph and a man would then be in position to install himself as God.

Between now and the revelation of the Anti-Christ whenever that would be, I submit that many more developments would occur which would directly question not just the existence of a God but also the need for one. Once again man would have God on the ropes the way it happened when the Lord Jesus was on the cross.

 And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. Matthew 27:40,43

The coming attack against the church would be vicious, virile, vindictive, sustained, deadly, demoralising to many a beliver. In the torture of the Church under the Beast (Anti-Christ) it won't be like under the Roman Emperors persecution of the early Church. Under Nero and his cohorts, the challenge was simple, renounce your confession that Jesus Christ is God and accept Caesar as a god.The Nero era Christians acquitted themselves well and exhibited a higher quality faith than we have and would exhibit.

By contrast today we live in an era of international conventions and treaties of human rights giving us power to fight back an opportunity the early believers' never had. Sad to say that many of us today would fail the Nero test. Many preachers of renown today are not able to boldly declare that Jesus Christ is the only way to God let alone say that He is God.

The Devil's strategy is to launch a sustained nuclear-like attack on the core of our conviction and faith. The assault is targeted at the mind till you lose your sanity and begin to give way to permissiveness.
He is bombarding from all angles from archaeology to zoology. This time it will not just be coercive as it was under the emperors, but we will be presented with 'hard facts' - scientific discoveries and proofs fair or foul to disprove the existence of God, prove that humanity doesn't need a God and argue that afterall other
religions could save. The attack machinery is already being unleashed and in the UK it is called Political Correctness.

In this age of reductionism some believers are beginning to subject their faith to reductive analysis and sadly are beginning to succumb to pluralism. It would take blind faith, stubborn obedience and madness to stand up for what you believe in.

It is easier though to withstand when assault on faith is coming in from the outside, but gets more difficult for some when the assault is from within at least superficially.

Residents of the UK would remember the hollow intellect and stupidity of Dr. Robert Beckford a theologian and so-called Christian making an utter mess of himself and the scriptures on channel 4 a few years back in "Who wrote the Bible?" There are many more like Robert Beckford in the Church but whose modus operandi may differ slightly. They are silent consenters to the suffering of Christians under their care.

The General Director of the Evangelical Alliance in the UK recently accused Christians of playing the victim as they seek to fight for their rights in the law courts. In his own words, Christians should remember that  they no longer live in Christendom and therefore should not pick a fight with the society they live in.

Inspite of what you may think or feel about them, the Catholic Church as an institution has tackled the issues of Political Correctness head on and taken a clear biblical stance againt it. The Church of England has been  consistently incoherent in speaking to the issues.

Is there any hope for the Church then? Yes there is and that is You and I. We should not fail because the host of heaven and the cloud of witnesses are counting on us to make the last stand for Faith before the imminent return to earth of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS.



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