
Showing posts from May, 2010


It's the biggest news of the year, "scientist creates artificial life". This development is very interesting. I have read a few comments around it and on one hand you have jubilant atheists, humanists, secularists and generally God and or Church haters. Why, their moment has come and it is EUREKA! "There is no God" giving credence to Invictus: I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.  On the other hand you have Christian apologists who are trying to make meaning of this all and frankly Bible believing Christians who are simply confused. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?                                                                This is what Dr Venter said in an interview as posted on the BBC website; We've now been able to take our synthetic chromosome and transplant it into a recipient cell - a different organism. As soon as this new software goes into the cell, the cell reads [it] and converts into the species specified in that genetic code.


The Crown Prosecution Service has dropped charges against Dale McAlpine and subsequently discontonued his prosecution. Dale McAlpine a regualr preacher on the streets of Workington, Cumbria was last month charged with causing harassment, alarm or distress contrary to the Public Order Act 1986. Mr McAlpine welcomed the what he called “common sense” decision. “It’s good news. I'm relieved the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have finally seen sense." He said. “It was a ridiculous charge and I should never have been arrested in the first place. The whole thing was like fiction. It was surreal." Mr McAlpine was arrested on April 20 whilst handing out Christian literature in Workington. He was approached by a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) who also identified himself as the force’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender liaison officer saying there had been complaints about the leaflets. He was then warned that he could be arrested if he made any commen


Raise Up Raise Up The Standard Raise up raise up the standard Jesus Jesus Across the land again Heavens arches are ringing Ringing ringing With His beloved name Yesterday today forever the same (x4) It is already here and in case you haven't felt it yet, it's only a matter of time before you could be answering criminal charges for, yes preaching the gospel. Recent trends of preachers being apprehended for categorically condemning homosexuality as a sin leaves much to be desired. The arrest, detention and charge of Dale McAlpine, a Christian preacher in Workington, Cumbria over the weekend has once again brought to the fore  the ugly head of "Political Correctness". Mr McAlpine who works in the energy industry has been handing out leaflets and preaching in his town of Workington for years. His crime this time round was that, he told a passer-by and a gay police community support officer that, as a Christian, he believed homosexuality was one of a number of si


The Court of Appeal on Thursday April 29 2010 refused permission for Mr Mcfarlane to have his appeal against dismissal heard. A marriage guidance counsellor and Christian, Mr Mcfarlane was fired from his job for refusing to offer sex therapy to homosexuals because his Christian conscience wouldn't permit him to do so. The significance of this case could not be lost on anyone when before the ruling, Lord Carey (former Archbishop of  Canterbury), submitted a witness statement to the judge protesting against anti Christian judgments being handed down the English courts. The ruling therefore has wider implications as it suggests that non-Christian conscience has protection in law but Christian conscience has none. Gerald Warmer writing for the Telegraph makes the following observation: Lord Justice Laws, in his judgement, made a number of statements that raise serious questions of public concern. The first is his interpretation of the nature and character of English law. He claimed th